Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Catching my breath.

Well. Here we are ... again. Me making excuses for my lack of words. Apologies in advance if you are a loyal reader and there has been no new material for you to raise your eyebrows over. Rest assured, it has not been for lack of material. There seems to be plenty of it here, everyday. Toddlers on a mission to free the guinea pig from her confines and a schedule that would make a professional organizer cry are our latest debacles. Did I mention we added cheerleading in? Ok, just checking.

Last time we were here... you know, a month ago.... I was speaking about some serious personal emotions. I have been busy trying to put them in order - mostly for myself - but also for the sake of sweet Joshua, who is probably tired of cleaning the mascara off my cheeks with baby wipes. Why don't I invest in some waterproof mascara? I think it should come standard issue in the Teenager Parenting Kit. If I happen to find such a kit, I will let you know.

I am being all dramatic here, but you shouldn't worry. We're all happy, healthy and entirely blessed. Yes, and I mean even Poor, Pitiful Jordin, the Middle Child. It's really lovely when The Baby (read : Princess) is forced into the role of The Middle Child. I could write a book on that transition. It's been, in a word... delightful. And I am just saying that for the sake of the internet. In any case, these decisions and changes I am lamenting over are really "a good thing," just rather hard to swallow.

Mothers Day came and went uneventfully - and I mean that in the best way. I escaped for most of the day in search of a Yellow Beard (yes, literally) for the school chorus preformance... enjoyed my quiet day complete with handmade cards. I happened over to one of my favorite daily read (yes, some bloggers are quite responsible about their blogging activities), Sipping Lemonade, and found some wonderful quotes. One put things into perspective ... perfectly, even. Are you ready?


And with that, I found my voice. My heart settled... and guess what? My mama was right (yes, I know, AGAIN) ... the sun came up the next day. And it was just as beautiful as ever. More to follow. I promise, this time.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't mamas always right? :) Thanks for the shout out! Love your bloggy, too.
