Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year.

Here's to 2009...

... to starting anew... to forgetting the past, no matter how painful... mistakes are mistakes, no matter how big or small... can't fix them or change them or relive them. new relationships ... new friendships... new beginnings. To finding the inner peace to be happy with who you are ... where you are... and who makes you happiest. Ring in the New Year with those you love the most.

... to starting over... on a new path... a new road... no matter how unfamiliar or uncomfortable the journey ahead might be... grab a map... stop and smell the roses. You never know who or what you might find along the way.

... to fat, healthy babies full of smiles and wonder... growth and change and accomplishments, no matter how small. A year full of learning and changing and new experiences. Love your children with all your heart. They are growing faster than you can imagine - and next year, you will wonder what happened to the last two years.

Believe in magic.

Be ever so grateful to those who have loved you, stood beside you, held your hand and held you up. Hug them everyday. Rid yourself of people who haven't ... surround yourself with love, kindness and honesty... it's those things that make a friendship strong. And it's strong friendships that carry us through the worst of storms.

Don't worry about money or bills or payments. Do your best. Hold your head up.

Empty promises are as empty as the friends that provided them. Remember that you can't control everything, nor do you need to. The best surprises come from the things you probably aren't in control of.

Everyone doesn't have to be perfect. Imperfections are perfection, sometimes.

This year I learned three important lessons from a couple of special people. The first? Love. Pray.... and most importantly, Forgive. Forgiveness will take you far in life -walk forward with no grudges or regrets. Enjoy every second. Moments are fleeting.

Second? Keep moving forward - with no regrets.

May 2009 bring you every happiness.

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