Several, several years ago, before I had four children and some grey hair that we won't discuss right now, I started this whole "blog" idea. I met lots of friends and stalked my comment section everyday to make sure that someone besides my Dear, Sweet Mama had commented.
That's how I met Janet. Adorable, SO CAL (southern California) Janet. A couple years later, we hugged in Starbucks in Atlanta. She was here with some smart kids who build robots. Now, of course, she has given up her teaching career and become an attorney. And to think, I knew her when she was just a blogging babe. Her husband would say that she still is a babe. But let's keep it G-rated, shall we?
Janet is a talented writer and super creative personality. She likes cupcakes, pink stuff, reading, writing, fizzy drinks and bicycles. She sends out adorable holiday cards. We have exchanged mail - cookbooks, cards and other goodies. I consider us real friends when you address and envelope to me. As you can see, it doesn't take much.
True to form, Janet recently decided to put her subscription to Martha Stewart's Living magazine to proper use... with monthly posts describing her own attempts at Martha's fabulous and oh-so-glossy ideas. You can read more about her first attempt here. I thought that my subscription would enjoy the same attention.
For reference, just to see if I was up to this rather industrious challenge - I double checked Martha's personal calendar, published monthly in Living. Should I be planting bulbs or cultivating my linens? No worries. Today she isn't doing anything. However, it should be mentioned that by the weekend, she will be jetsetting in NYC for Fashion Week. Color me green-with-envy. I wouldn't even know what to wear.
This month (February) has some sweet ideas I will be trying over the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for what is sure to be a disaster of epic porportions, which should involve glue, glitter and a couple of sticky toddlers. Read Janet's blog for the elegant results posts - and just stop by here if you want to have a good laugh. Don't worry, I won't even be offended. (sniffle)
Ah! You are so sweet! I am excited to see your glittery endeavors! Hooray!
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